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Hi Minetown, I stopped playing here a while ago. However I am aware that your prison server went down quite some time back. I wasn't sure who I would normally talk to to ask this, so I made this thread. As the title should imply, I was wondering if you still had the map files for the prison. If so, I was also wondering if I could obtain them, and have your permission to use them on another server. If not, that's fine.
over 10 years ago
============= Username: mlyn148 When you were banned : Around August, 2013 Person who banned you: darkpsy Reason you were banned: Disrespecting staff and blatant disregard of rules. ============= Not much to say actually. Last time I tried writing a draft around a few months ago, I posted it but then took it down. I just felt like I couldn't really deny that I was in the wrong. And I can't. I WAS in the wrong, and I acknowledge that. I apologize to all of the staff members I ignored and insulted, and all of the players whose time I ended up ruining. But, it's been over a year now. I made mistakes, and I have been punished for them. I'm here today to ask that you give me one more chance. I have matured over the course of the 1 1/3 years it has been. I've become a better person and a better player to those around me. I've greatly solidified and contributed to a community from the time it has began to the time where it is now dying, as it is to be absorbed by another server. If you want to see for yourselves exactly what I've changed to be, <link>, and navigate through my posts I've made over the course of the year (note at the beginning, which was right around the end of my ban, I was still pretty immature, though at the turn of the year I started to stop acting so dumb). Sorry if posting that link is against the rules; I didn't know how else I could prove myself. So please. all I ask is for a second chance. I have changed. I've done my time, and I do believe I've gone from a server menace to someone who can greatly contribute to the good of the community. Before I end this, last time I appealed (which was also the first), the mod conversing with me started a bit of an argument. I'd prefer we don't have this argument this time around. I understand what I did was wrong, I understand I deserved punishment, I understand that I pissed a lot of people off. So please refrain from shoving these things into my face, because I can see them clear as day, and last time, I'll admit, it came off as a little pretentious. Even a Judge is not constantly so condescending to those on trial. Anyways, reading this back I see that I am starting to become a bit redundant. I beg you to forgive me, and I promise that I am a different person. I understand that words are just words, but I have changed. All I ask is that you give me an opportunity to prove it to you. Have a nice day.
over 10 years ago
Close this. Had second thoughts. Sorry for wasting your time. Good day, mlyn148
over 10 years ago
Ok its a tad late now, I will come on and give the stuff sometime tomorrow.
over 11 years ago